Steps To Help You Stop Drinking Alcohol

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Steps To Help You Stop Drinking Alcohol

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The most recent report by the American public on alcohol among people over the age of 16 revealed that almost half had consumed at least a single beverage in the past month. Over 87% report having had any alcohol problems. Almost 6 billion men have admitted to drinking alcohol in the last three months, and nearly half of them have had more than five drinks.

Heavy drinking means drinking alcoholic drinks more frequently than a few days a week. 16 million Americans have been admitted to rehabs in the past decade for alcohol abuse treatment. More than a quarter-million Americans are being treated for substance abuse currently just by the United States Department of Health.

We at Emmaus are here to help you quit drinking so here are some steps to stop drinking alcohol regularly.

Before stopping

First, if you feel you need to drink alcohol to function in life properly, you should consult a healthcare provider. You can speak to a physician or a member of their staff or you can find many alcohol support programs available in the country that can give you confidential assistance. The addiction can cause physical withdrawal symptoms such as shaking, sweating, or nausea. If you experience this problem while you try to quit drinking, you may need rehabilitation.

Withdrawing from alcohol safely

When you drink regularly your body is conditioned to alcohol and goes into physical dependence when you stop drinking abruptly. Alcohol withdrawal is characterized by several symptoms: Alcohol withdrawal symptoms typically start in the first few hours following the withdrawal, peak within one or two days, and improve within five days. Often alcoholics withdraw without warning or even threaten themselves. When drinking for long periods, it can become very difficult for someone who needs treatment for alcohol withdrawal.

Tips for giving up alcohol

It is important to know what you need in order to stop drinking. Learn the right answer to say “no.” You will probably find yourself at some point when you drink heavily or you may even get a drink. Make some plans in such circumstances. Ask your friend for a game and ask them for a non-alcoholic beverage. Give yourself some time. Try alternatives that focus on reducing alcohol in the form of exercise or learning something new. Avoid risky situations. Make sure trigger conditions are identified as soon as possible.

Set goals and prepare for change

If you decide to change, you should set a clear drinking goal. The clearer the goals, the better. Example #1: My drink goal. Example#2: Is there any point in stopping drinking? How much alcohol you should limit daily is important. Make it a habit to drink twice weekly. Try to make that once a week after some time. Soon you will feel that you can set goals and work towards them to quit drinking.

Cutting back vs. quitting alcohol altogether

Can a person effectively reduce his/her drinking habits? Those who drink very frequently are alcoholics and aren’t allowed a chance to control their consuming habits, so they should try to stop drinking completely. Nevertheless, it is possible to reduce alcohol consumption by drinking less. You should decide what you should be drinking, but make sure to not exceed one drink per night. Try to have a few days/weeks off when you can and soon you can stop drinking altogether.

How to help someone stop drinking?

Alcohol addiction affects people around the alcoholic more than it hurts the alcoholic person. Watching your child suffer a drinking problem can prove heartbreaking as well as frustrating. However, despite being unable to overcome addiction, your support and love will help them to recover quickly. Tell him or her how he drinks too much. Express your concern with compassion, and get your friends to help. Try to be quiet and avoid arguments. Find out how to deal with addictive behavior.

Embrace change

Like anything else that involves a challenge and lifestyle changes, progress takes time. Fortunately, reducing the intake of alcohol has a number of beneficial consequences. Our members feel a sense of relaxation, decrease anxiety, and gain weight. Start by changing your relationship to the drink and see your surroundings changed. Make a quick change in your life today and make a big change today.

Alcohol addiction treatment options

Some people can quit drinking by themselves. Some require medical help to withdraw safely. The best options for you depend on your drinking habits and health condition. In most cases, you should first consult a primary care physician. You can consult a doctor for a diagnosis of your drinking pattern. It’s likely that the doctors can prescribe medications for helping people to stop drinking and smoking, you can really benefit from it.

Get support

It is important to get help in overcoming addiction through self-treatment and rehabilitation. Do not try to do all that on your own. It’s much easier to recover if you have someone that you know to help you with your addiction and provide support. Support may include your friends or family advisors. In recovery, rely on family/friends – friends can be very helpful even if they are a few in number. If friends or family members are not available you can join support groups like alcoholics anonymous or a mental health services administration facility.

Find new meaning in life

While getting sober is an essential first step, this only begins your journey toward overcoming addiction and alcoholism. Rehabilitation or professional therapy can help you get started and get you ready for overcoming your addiction, but you must make a new purpose in life. You can take some time out to really figure what it is that you really want and then start working towards it.

Plan for triggers and cravings

It’s a very serious addiction especially when you quit drinking in the early days. The best alcohol therapy prepares you for the challenge. Emmaus Medical & Counseling provides the best substance abuse treatment that helps you in quitting drinking for good. Get in touch with us today to know more about how we can help you in managing alcohol cravings & have alcohol-free days for the rest of your life.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]